Ergebnis Finale Damen 2021

No. Date Time Court Team A Team B Result
Final 1st Place
22 4-Sept. 18:15 2 (2x15) dieda [10] zwa vodka-soda bitte [1] 1-2 (15-11, 10-15, 12-15)
Final 3rd Place
21 4-Sept. 18:15 1 (2x15) Hits don't Lie [4] catch-it [6] 2-0 (15-11, 15-12)
20 4-Sept. 17:35 2 (2x15) catch-it [6] zwa vodka-soda bitte [1] 0-2 (15-17, 9-15)
19 4-Sept. 17:35 1 (2x15) Hits don't Lie [4] dieda [10] 1-2 (17-15, 13-15, 19-21)
Loser are ranked 5th
18 4-Sept. 17:15 2 (1x21) zwa vodka-soda bitte [1] Schlechtschmetterfront [2] 1-0 (21-15)
17 4-Sept. 17:15 1 (1x21) dieda [10] Las Cucarachas [7] 1-0 (21-15)
Loser are ranked 7th
16 4-Sept. 16:55 2 (1x21) Strawberries [12] Schlechtschmetterfront [2] 0-1 (15-21)
15 4-Sept. 16:55 1 (1x21) Las Cucarachas [7] M&M [5] 1-0 (21-11)
Round 3
14 4-Sept. 16:10 2 (1x21 / 2x15) catch-it [6] dieda [10] 1-0 (23-21)
13 4-Sept. 16:10 1 (1x21 / 2x15) zwa vodka-soda bitte [1] Hits don't Lie [4] 0-1 (9-21)
Losers are ranked 9th
12 4-Sept. 15:50 2 (1x21) Die Hirschkühe [9] Schlechtschmetterfront [2] 0-1 (18-21)
11 4-Sept. 15:50 1 (1x21) Strawberries [12] Forever Young [3] 1-0 (21-19)
10 4-Sept. 15:30 2 (1x21) The Brownies [11] M&M [5] 0-1 (19-21)
9 4-Sept. 15:30 1 (1x21) Las Cucarachas [7] Die sandtastischen 2 [8] 1-0 (21-10)
Round 2
8 4-Sept. 14:55 2 (2x15) dieda [10] Schlechtschmetterfront [2] 2-1 (10-15, 15-11, 15-11)
7 4-Sept. 14:55 1 (2x15) Forever Young [3] catch-it [6] 1-2 (10-15, 15-10, 5-15)
6 4-Sept. 14:20 2 (2x15) M&M [5] Hits don't Lie [4] 1-2 (13-15, 15-13, 18-20)
5 4-Sept. 14:20 1 (2x15) zwa vodka-soda bitte [1] Die sandtastischen 2 [8] 2-0 (15-9, 15-12)
Round 1
4 4-Sept. 13:45 2 (2x15) Las Cucarachas [7] dieda [10] 1-2 (15-9, 13-15, 7-15)
3 4-Sept. 13:45 1 (2x15) The Brownies [11] catch-it [6] 0-2 (10-15, 9-15)
2 4-Sept. 13:10 2 (2x15) - Schiedsrichter: Hits don't Lie [4] M&M [5] Strawberries [12] 2-0 (15-6, 15-6)
1 4-Sept. 13:10 1 (2x15) - Schiedsrichter: zwa vodka-soda bitte [1] Die Hirschkühe [9] Die sandtastischen 2 [8] 0-2 (11-15, 8-15)

Rang Team
1. zwa vodka-soda bitte [1]
2. dieda [10]
3. Hits don't Lie [4]
4. catch-it [6]
5. Las Cucarachas [7]
5. Schlechtschmetterfront [2]
7. M&M [5]
7. Strawberries [12]
9. Die sandtastischen 2 [8]
9. The Brownies [11]
9. Forever Young [3]
9. Die Hirschkühe [9]
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